Hello Everybodayy!

I'm Jen (aka @enjeneerpodcast)

I'm Jen, a Certified Soul Purpose Coach, ex-Engineer & enJENeer Podcast Host! 

Five Fun Facts About Me:

1) I am a first generation Mexican-American, born, raised, and still based in Southern California.

2) I have a Capricorn Sun--aka am wired for success, Sagittarius Moon--aka am born to be a teacher, and a Libra Ascendant--aka executes everything with beauty, love and nurturing.

3) I'm the person all my friends come to for deep dives, therapeutic convos, & spiritual expansion. (I'm just NOT one for small talk!)

4) I LOVE dancing bachata and even incorporate dance/movement into my coaching containers. (The mind is usually where our problems are created and the body typically holds the keys to the solutions/healing).

Read my full bio below!

More About Me:

Engineer turned Life Coach for Women & Students in STEM(Science, Tech, Engineering, Math)!

My Mission: Integrate ✨soul✨ with STEM👩‍⚕️👷‍♀️👩‍💻 by offering a nourishing & soul-centered approach to academic development & career coaching.

As a first generation college student & first in my family to become an engineer, I felt immense pressure to succeed. After graduating Summa Cum Laude with my degree in Civil Engineering & ~2 years working as a Design Engineer during the global pandemic, I burned out FAST!

So I hired a Life Coach to support me during this time and her drastically positive impact on every aspect of my life inspired me to become a Certified Life Purpose Coach myself. Given my personal experience, I specifically set the intention of offering my certification to the STEM community

My ideal client is a past version of myself—the overwhelmed, chronically busy & ready-to-quit members in STEM, desperately seeking support establishing a fulfilling career & healthy lifestyle balance

With that intention in mind, over the last 4 years, I’ve helped hundreds of women in STEM students heal stress, increase wellbeing/self-care & align with their soul-centered career directions via my 1:1 coaching containers, group coaching programs, in-person workshops, online webinars & enJENeer podcast episodes

I am seeking new coaching career opportunities at aligned companies/institutions & accepting new clients

If my coaching results below resonate with you as a potential client, contact me on IG @enjeneerpodcast or email me at jengineerpodcast@gmail.com

✨1:1 COACHING: I provided pragmatic resume, interview & salary negotiation support through a life purpose/spiritual lens, that helped my client secure her first Project Engineer role at a top construction company that aligned with her values & paid competitively, after a year unemployed

✨GROUP COACHING: My “enJENeer Your Soulful STEM Schedule” program, designed to help students create a consistent work-life balance routine, has enrolled a diverse range of STEM majors + educational levels

✨WORKSHOPS/WEBINARS: I’ve hosted a "Top Personality Tests to Know Your Soul-Centered Student Needs" webinar viewed by 80+ students, spoken at the Santa Monica College STEM Program Alumni Panel since 2020, & given a “How to Avoid Burnout” workshop at the University of Nevada Society of Women Engineers Student Chapter

✨PODCAST: Since founding the enJENeer Podcast, it’s organically reached an overall 5-star rating with an average of 120 listens per episode & a community of 1,250+ total followers